
New Motor range

Make it move!! DOGA launch to the market a new #electric #motor, designed and tested for solar trackers, to generate #solar #energy from sunrise to sunset. Reliable in all weather conditions. Look how this motor works!

#solarenergy #engineering #electricmotor #solartracker #drivesystems #descarbonization


The DOGA ANNUAL MEETING took recently place with the assistance of more than 100 worldwide managers of the 8 subsidiaries of the company. It was great to hear from our Board of Directors about our Company’s #accomplishments and vision for the #future. It was …

Supplier Excellence Award CATERPILLAR

For the second consecutive year, DOGA Nantong was awarded the prestigious “Supplier Excellence Award CATERPILLAR”.
During the ceremony, in #recognition of the accomplished results, the outstanding work on the path to achieving excellence as supplier were addressed.
The awards are a milestone for DOGA Nantong, …