
Twin motor sinchronized panoramic windshield wiper system

How to replicate the movement of a conventional wiper system with linkage, but without linkage?
👉🏽 Controlling the speed and position of 2 #electronic motors of DOGA in synchronized mode, this solution will cover all #panoramic #wipersystem applications.
Its #firmware implements a close control loop that together with …

Enterprise Challenges

Last March, the final of the «Enterprise Challenges” event took place at ETSEIB – UPC. Once again, as in previous years, DOGA participated in this competition, as an advisor for 2 teams.

Matias Ripoll Daza, HR Director, and the President …

Inaugurate our new facilities in Tanger

Last week the Board of Directors of DOGA travelled to inaugurate our new facilities in Tanger.
Faina Tanger’s new building has 3.700 square meters with space that allows future #expansion.
After the new plant tour, employees and Directors shared a dinner to …


At DOGA we love being #global, and to maintain close links between subsidiaries not only feels natural, it also provides great results.
Last week people from our management, commercial and engineering teams of DOGA USA, DOGA ITALIA and DOGA met to #share experiences of common …

Solar trackers motors

We are glad to present you our new #testbench in Spain for solar #trackers motors. At DOGA we are commited with the #solarenergy and #renewables and to offer to the industry a reliable partner with reliable products.

🔋 We meet you at GENERA in IFEMA MADRID !

#drivesystems #projects #commitment #sustainability

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Engineering training

DOGA is committed to #training.
In the past 2022 more than 20 internal trainings were given to the #engineering staff, with the aim of sharing #knowledge and keeping the engineering team up to date.
In the 2023 more trainings are already planned, with the focus on the #simulation tools …

Motor precision seeding

When you are #farming don’t get stuck with a seed while #precisionplanting. Use DOGA #electronic #motors, more #robust, more #torque, more #efficient, more #reliable.
#thepowertomove #thepowertocontrol

Tech Center Showroom

DOGA inaugurates the new #showroom specially dedicated to the #electronic product.
Located in the Tech Center, it offers a unique and singular space where all the visitors will enjoy the functioning and features of #wipersystems that includes this kind of #technology. The visitor will be able to …

DOGA Product Knowledge

If you are a #student or a #researchinstitution and you need #electricmotors, do not hesitate to contact us.
You can count on DOGA product knowledge and industrial capabilities for the success of your project.

Like the students of www.ponentaerospace.com which used our motors to move an antenna to follow up …